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Why In-House Shredding Is Not Ideal for Your Business

in-house shredding

In-House Shredding – Not Ideal For Your Business

Tossing a sensitive document in the recycling bin or trash can put your business at risk for costly fines or lawsuits and exposes your clients to risk of identity theft.

For this reason, most organizations and businesses often decide to utilize document shredding as a way to protect confidential information and documents. They do this to keep client personal details out of the wrong hands.

Unfortunately, some companies make the wrong choice utilizing off-site shredding or in-house shredding in an attempt to cut down costs. However, that’s usually not the case since hiring a professional shredding company will actually save your business time, money or concern.

Here are some reasons why in-house shredding isn’t ideal for your business.

Data Breaches and Non-Compliance

A company manager may want to reconsider assigning a shredding job to an employee, regardless of his/her clearance level. Even among the most trusted employees, your company could run the risk of violating privacy laws.

This could cost your organization significant penalties for failure to comply with the federal regulations.

Conversely, hiring IntelliShred will ensure you have a document security plan to suit your business needs. Additionally, it ensures compliance with privacy and data protection regulations.

It’s More Expensive and Time-Consuming Than You Think

Businesses spend approximately $180 to shred around 9,090 pages (100 lbs). This amount is quite high considering there are additional energy and equipment costs.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, hiring a licensed professional shredding company to destroy your paperwork presents the most economical and secure method of protecting your business. This is why you should stray away from in-house shredding for destroying your company files.

Contact IntelliShred today and learn more about the document security process including disposal procedures and proper handling.